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Vaccination is Not Immunization

Vaccination Is Not Immunization is written for everyone worried about the and health of their children and of themselves. It's all there: the history of vaccines; the ingredients of vaccines; the hazards of vaccines. It's for the patients parents, educators, those in the medical profession, midwives, nurses, those working in government and practitioners of alternative medicine as well.

This is not an anti-vaccine textbook. It is in favor of any vaccines which may have proven to be 100% safe, effective, and necessary when analyzed by independent, third-party research that is wholly unconnected with vaccine manufacturers.

If you are not at moment a parent but plan to be one at some point, you comprehensive guide this book. If you are not a parent but know someone who is, you must give them this guide!

What you're about to read may come as a shock!

From the Desk of Tim O'Shea DC Author and Instructor, Childhood Immunology. Do you have doubts whether vaccines can really protect your child from illness or disease? Do you really worry that your child could become autistic, or develop breathing difficulties, allergies or even a fatal childhood disease, like Sudden Infant Death syndrome? They are not theories. Hundreds of thousands of American infants have these conditions today. However most other countries recommend less than half the vaccines we do.

What you're about to read may come as a shock. It did for me personally when I first commenced to research vaccines and their effect on the body on the decade in the past. Hundreds of hours of digging into the medical literature and checking the facts compelled me to speak out.

Much of what I learned was contrapuesto with the way almost all of us are taught to take care of our children. Why don't we face it most parents accept have their newborn child vaccinated and believe it is the way to go.

It's what their parents would, and it's what their doctors recommend. Once they start, the child moves on to receive numerous vaccinations year after year, up through their teenagers. All the while you, the parent, continue to think you're doing the right thing.

No Proof of Safety

It might be shocking that you can notice this for the first time, but when you learned about the history of vaccines and understand the financial forces that are in play, you could commence see the drug industry as an enormous machine, feeding off endless federal government funding for vaccines.

Extremely, vaccination has never recently been clinically proven to be effective in stopping disease! I find this to be one of the most shocking discoveries of all, and so will you.

The double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, the precious metal standard of organized drugs, has never been used to compare vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. No risk-to-benefit studies have ever recently been done. Vaccines remain technically unproven!

So while health authorities loudly credit vaccines for reducing disease and continually send the meaning that vaccines are safe, and necessary, the technology isn't there. Many presumptions made by local treatment centers are directly contradicted by the most well deemed government statistics, published medical studies and the thoughts of credible and highly respected research scientists all over the world.

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